The other is not the other it's me, it's you, it's us, human beings with dreams, needs, fears, hope but with great potential for transformation. In the end it is more like a house and each person under that roof must take care of themselves but also ensure that everyone has a plate of food, share responsibilities, share struggles, opportunities and daily achievements to take care of more needs, in a house everyone who is responsible for others.

Ubuntu- I am because we are


SOLIDARITY HEART, is the intervention mechanism of MAKOBO Platform in situations of urgent humanitarian support, while promoting conditions of resilience for affected individuals or communities.

In Mozambique, despite being very frequent, we continue to experience and observe immense difficulties in appropriation, mobilization and in responding to support for people affected by various factors that require an immediate response.  

“After IDAI Cyclone, we cannot be the same, nor do things the same way.”

The SOLIDARITY HEART initiative aims to be a concrete and effective response mechanism to populations in the event of a humanitarian emergency, through two axes of action:

 Emotional Support (emergency humanitarian aid)  - creation of campaigns to raise support and donation of essential products and nutritionally balanced meals, mainly for children, women, the elderly and the disabled.

Sustainability (promotion of livelihoods) creation of jobs and business opportunities for the economic and social inclusion of displaced families and host communities